NGC 6882/6885 is an open cluster in the faint constellation of Vulpecula that can just about be seen with the naked eye, is easy with binoculars and has up to 40 stars visible through telescopes. This object has somewhat of a confusing history. In September 1784, William Herschel discovered two open clusters, NGC 6882 and NGC 6885. He subsequently catalogued them, but with virtually identical descriptions. Since no cluster exists that matches the location and description of NGC 6882, many astronomers believe that Herschel made a mistake and simply repeated his observation. However, the story doesn’t end here. Adding to the confusion is a fainter, smaller and less rich cluster, Collinder 416, that’s positioned at the northwestern edge of NGC 6885. Some astronomers believe this to be NGC 6882.
Objektname | OCl - NGC 6882 |
Aufnahmedatum | 14. Juni 2023 - 8:00 |
Aufnahmeort | Deutschland |
Seeing | Schlecht |
Montierung | Paramount GT 1100 S |
Teleskop / Objektiv | Intes MK 69 (F = 900 mm) |
Kamera | Canon EOS 1000 D_a |
Verwendete Filter | no |
Belichtungszeit in Stunden | 9 x 300 sec (Total = 45 min) |
Verwendete Software | TheSky6 / APT / phd2 - PixInsight |
Autor | Rolf |
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